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Media Release
Novartis investigational iptacopan Phase III study demonstrates clinically meaningful and highly statistically significant proteinuria reduction in patients with IgA nephropathy (IgAN)
StoryThe future of medicine is here
Media Release
Novartis investigational oral monotherapy iptacopan demonstrates clinically meaningful superiority over anti-C5 treatment in Phase III APPLY-PNH study
Media Release
Novartis builds on commitment to addressing need in neuropsychiatric disorders with Cadent Therapeutics acquisition
StoryTake a visual tour of medicines that target RNA
StoryNeed for new heart disease medicines drives wave of potential therapies
StoryMinion challenges assumptions about the genome
StoryGiraffes have high blood pressure. Why don’t they drop dead?
StoryCancer spies find drug-beating covert cells
StoryBuilding brain organoids to shed light on disease
StoryIntractable tumor cells crippled
StoryFactory foreman keeps liver’s line workers on task