In this series, we are joined by Dr Alistair Duff, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the NHS Leeds Teaching Hospital. Watch the videos below to hear his expert opinion on dealing with some of the struggles that arise from living with a long-term illness, and using some helpful tips and exercises can change how we think about our health and treatment to help us to embrace life.

Accepting our long-term condition

During this short video, Alistair delves into how to embrace life and accept a long-term diagnosis. He discusses how acceptance involves stopping the struggle with aspects of life we cannot control.

Accepting and committing

Alistair provides insight into why it is important to develop a good relationship with your healthcare team and how this can lead to successful management of your condition.

Engaging with our healthcare team

Alistair provides insight into why it is important to develop a good relationship with your healthcare team and how this can lead to successful management of your condition.

Sticking to the treatment

Sometimes sticking to a treatment can be difficult. In this video, Alistair explores the reasons why this happens and how changing the way we think about our health and treatment can lead to better persistence.

Planning for when things go wrong or don't go as planned

During the last video of this series, Alistair provides tips on how to plan for managing a long-term condition, reinforcing that a lapse is never a relapse – it is an opportunity to learn and reflect.

This content has been developed and funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited.

UK | November 2022 | 257601