Speak Your Migraine has been created to give everyone with migraine a voice, helping you share your stories and paint a real picture of the impact of migraine in your life. This website provides the tools and resources for better ways to talk about migraine with friends, family and colleagues. Because with real understanding, you can start to receive the care and support you need.
A Novartis website: Click here to read more.
A Novartis website: Click here to read more.
Living Like You, Not Your Average MS Website. A Novartis website: Click here to read more.
During the current pandemic it’s more important than ever to follow your doctor’s advice and take your medication as they have directed. It can be hard to remember to do this, so we want to remind you of the free Novartis text medication reminder service. It’s called Dontforget.ie and you can access it on www.dontforget.ie, simply sign up and receive a text reminder.
A Novartis website: Click here to read more.