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October 2019
Media Release
Novartis Egypt Collaborates with Ministry of Health to Promote 100 Million Seha Initiative
Cairo, 4 October 2019 – Novartis Pharma S.A.E (Novartis Egypt) organized an educational forum for healthcare practitioners as part of its efforts to support the Egyptian Ministry of Health (MoH)’s… -
Media Release
نوفارتس مصر تتعاون مع وزارة الصحة من اجل دعم مبادرة ١٠٠ مليون صحة
القاهرة، ٤ أكتوبر ٢٠١٩ - في إطار تعاونها الوثيق مع وزارة الصحة المصرية، نظمت شركة نوفارتس فارما ش.م.م. (نوفارتس مصر) ندوة تثقيفية لمقدمي خدمات الرعاية الصحية وذلك في سياق دعم مبادرة الرعاية…
October 2018
Media Release
Sharm Derma Conference in collaboration with Novartis Pharma S.A.E. promotes better understanding of Psoriasis
Psoriasis a common, non-contagious, autoimmune disease affects about one adult in 50 worldwide1 Many people suffer needlessly from psoriasis due to incorrect or delayed diagnosis, inadequate… -
Media Release
3rd MENA Headache Conference highlights migraine challenge and need for better treatment options
In collaboration with the Headache Chapter of the Egyptian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, Novartis launches “Migraine is not just a Headache” campaign in Egypt Migraine…
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